Inflation in One Lesson


               The high cost of living is the #1 financial problem for Americans today – and Milton Friedman’s explanation for inflation is probably close to the mark.


               In this 39 second video, Friedman claims that too much government spending and too much govt money creation is what causes inflation.



                                                      Inflate or Die


               I expect inflation to be a problem for years to come. 


               That’s because the USG is currently spending about $3 trillion more per year than it is bringing in from tax receipts.  Look at how much the national debt increased last year – not what the govt reports as “deficit spending.”


               Furthermore, Medicare (which is currently underfunded by tax receipts to the tune of 85%) is expected to run out of money in 2025-2026. 


               This means the USG will have to borrow even more money – and run even bigger deficits – to make good on Medicare payments that have been promised to retirees.


               How are US home prices faring against inflation?


               As measured by the Case-Shiller National Home Price Index, inflation-adjusted home prices are up 27% since Jan 2020 – so US housing has outperformed inflation quite well during the last five years. 


                                             Update on Gold


               Gold just closed over $2,500 per ounce – a new record high. 


              The trend is bullish.  That’s a fact.


               The macro is bullish.  That’s also a fact.


               Since Jan 2020, the price of gold has outperformed inflation by 39%.


               Enjoy the ride.