July 2024 Timing Letter is Available!


               The July 15, 2024 issue of The Campbell Real Estate Timing Letter was mailed out to my USPS readers on May 16th,  and it is available to my online subscribers as well.


               Here are a few highlights:


  • The CA housing market:  Are home prices ready to fall, or will keep going higher?  – Page 2


  • What are home prices doing in the 10 cities with the highest increase in inventory for sale?  – Page 3


  • The single most important timing indicator you should now be watching! – Page 3


  •  How far will U.S. and CA home prices decline during the next bust?  Must see charts!  – Page 4


  • Price trends for 17 major U.S. housing markets!  Find out where prices are likely to go!   – Page 6


  •  Coming webinar on August 15:  “Sell real estate and buy gold?  Is that a good or bad bet?” – Page 10


And much, much more!




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